Check IIT Bombay Recruitment 2023 online as this portal will give latest job notices issued by IIT Bombay in coming months only after official announcement (presently there is no such job..), till you may view previous circulars. 

IIT Bombay Recruitment 2023

Now its time for Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay publish recruitment notice for various officer jobs. Interested candidates have to fill application form as per official schedule.  The broad cast advertisement of IIT Bombay Recruitment is given at  Before going for interview must read all instructions carefully.  In this page we will provide all updates on IIT Bombay Jobs.  The complete information of IIT Bombay Recruitment 2023 like salary, qualification, exam date, interview, fee and how to apply are given below.........................

Details of IIT Bombay Vacancy:

Name of Body

IIT Bombay





Online/ Offline



IIT Bombay was established on 1958.  The department has official site  Recently this department has issued Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) appointment notice.  We will provide all latest information on IIT Bombay Recruitment.  Check the same here.

For the Post of Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) English

Total Post- 01

Salary- INR 21000-31000/- PM


The candidate should have 04 years integrated degree course of Regional Colleges of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50 % marks in aggregate; OR Bachelor's Degree with at least 50 % marks in the concerned subjects / combination of subjects and in aggregate.

B.Ed. or its equivalent and proficiency in teaching only in English medium.

Location- Mumbai, Maharashtra (India)   
Date of Interview- 08/10/2014 at 11.30 am onward (now closed)

Interview Schedule
The eligible and interested candidates have to attend interview at the address mentioned below:-

Interview Venue:
IIT Campus School & Jr. College,
Powai, Mumbai–400076, Maharashtra, India


IIT Bombay Coach Recruitment submit application form through
IIT Bombay issues recruitment notice for 11 Posts of Coaches Jobs.  Interested candidates have to apply on or before 22/09/14.  Get online notification of IIT Bombay Recruitment available at  Guys before submit your application form must read all instructions carefully.  In this page we will provide all updates on IIT Bombay Jobs.  The details are given below........

For the Post of Coaches
Total Post- 11
Salary- INR 18000-25000/-

The Candidate should have Bachelors / Masters Degree in Physical Education with 3 years coaching experience. OR
12th Pass certificate and must have a minimum of 8 years of coaching experience of training teams inter – university (or equivalent) / inter-state / national or international level.

Last Date of Submission of Application- 22/09/2014 (now closed)
Application Fee- -

Question: How to Apply?
Answer: The eligible and interested candidates have to submit prescribed application form with fee at the address mentioned below:-

Contact Details:
Dean (S.A) Office OR In-charge,
Students Gymkhana, IIT Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai – 400076, Maharashtra
Ph- +91-22-2572-2545